Eco Tips: How to reduce your paper wastage

Reducing your paper trail in your day-to-day at home or in the office is easy with this quick how to guide:

  1. Print or copy double-sided or fit two pages on a side when printing large documents or internal memos.
  2. Use a paper with a lighter density, as these are more cost-effective to manufacture.
  3. Using e-mail and fax to e-mail will cut out the use of snail mail and will produce a real time response.
  4. Switch to receiving all your billing documents via e-mail.
  5. Change to reading newspapers, magazines and books online and cancel unnecessary postage subscriptions.
  6. Take stock of the amount of paper you use per week and aim to reduce usage each week.
  7. Invest in recycling bins at home and in the office, involve co-workers and family members to make recycling efficient.
  8. With modern technology we can cut out notebooks by using tablets and smartphones.