How to give old furniture a new lease on life

What you will need:

  • Power sander
  • Sanding sheets (100 and 240 grit)
  • Damp sponge
  • Soft brush
  • Varnish, wax or paint
  • Patina
  • Cloth


  1. Sand down your chosen piece of furniture with a power sander, using sanding sheets of (100) grit.
  2. Wipe down surface area with a damp sponge.
  3. Once dry, start second phase of sanding with (240) grit sanding sheet.
  4. After sanding wipe down the surface with a damp sponge.
  5. Wait for the surface to dry before starting the third and final sanding phase with (240) grit sanding sheet.
  6. When finished sanding brush down surface area with a soft brush.
  7. Apply varnish, wax or paint of choice and allow to dry. (Follow application instructions of chosen product)
  8. Once dry, apply patina and allow soaking for a brief period.
  9. Wipe off patina with a cloth to achieve an antique look.