How to repair scratched wooden surfaces

What you will need:

  • Repair wax stick (Lightest wood tone)
  • Artist’s paint (Darkest tone of the grain)
  • Paintbrush
  • Vacuum cleaner (fine nozzle attachment)
  • Mineral turpentine
  • Wood wax (In corresponding colour tone)
  • Scraper
  • Lighter
  • Sealing varnish
  • Soft cloth


  1. Clear out the damaged area with a scraper or using the fine nozzle on a vacuum cleaner.
  2. After clearing out the area clean thoroughly with mineral turpentine.
  3. Melt wax with a lighter (flame).
  4. Apply melted wax to the damaged area using a scraper.
  5. Polish area once wax is dry.
  6. If required, trace grain with artist’s paint.
  7. Dip paintbrush into paint and wipe until bristles are nearly dry.
  8. Paint and trace grain until a uniform grain is formed.
  9. Once dry apply a diluted sealing varnish using a fine paintbrush.

Expert Tip:

If dealing with a dull surface or small scratches over a large area, it is advisable to first try a gentler repair method. Apply a wax polish, turpentine oil or varnish and polish until surface shines. Other recommended methods are touch-up pens, available in all conventional wood colours at DIY stores.