Clean that grimy grout!

The dark marks that run throughout your grout in the shower are unsightly but did you know that it’s dangerous for you and your family’s health too?

This bacteria can cause some nasty health risks. One of the most common dangerous bacteria that thrives in dirty grout is Streptococcus. The bacteria can be airborne therefore putting your family at risk of sore throats and can be harmful to your eyes, stomach and lungs.

If you want to stay away from bleaches and other harsh chemicals then you can clean your grout with simple products in your home. Here is what you’ll need and how to do it:

– Baking Soda

– Hydrogen Peroxide

– Dish Soap

  1. Mix the baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and dish soap together to form a paste (it should be the consistency of toothpaste)
  2. Apply the paste on your grout and leave it to sit for a few minutes
  3. Using a toothbrush or any other soft-bristle brush, scrub the paste along your grout
  4. Rinse off the excess paste with water and wipe dry with a cloth

Ensure that your grout is cleaned once a week or one every 2 weeks to keep this bacteria at bay!