DIY DEPOT is proud to be affiliated to SAPMA – the South African Paint Manufacturer’s Association.
DIY DEPOT is concerned with the sustainability of the environment and by joining SAPMA we are able to participate in this global movement.
Some of the advantages of belonging to SAPMA include:
Membership among a wide range of people in the paint industry including: Associate members, retailers, paint manufacturers and paint contractors – this allows for networking opportunities.
All members adhere to a Code of Conduct and Code of Practice.
All members participate in the campaign to eliminate harmful lead in pain.
SAPMA committee members constantly deal with key issues in the paint industry and alert and advise members accordingly. This includes advice on packaging requirements, transports of goods, “lead in paint” issues, waste collection, producer responsibility and the Consumer Protection Act.
Government communication on industry concerns such as standards, transportation, waste management and health and safety.
Members sales and statistics to aid marketing.
Conferences bringing in international knowledge, expertise and insight.
Updates on paint legislature, press releases and new paint industry information.
Technical assistance from the advisory council.
Discounts for members on certain registrations and training.
So what does this mean for our customers?
DIY DEPOT customers buy paint with a peace of mind knowing that DIY DEPOT’s paint is LEAD FREE, ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY and conforms to all the necessary standards set out by the South Africa Bureau of Standards (SABS).
Click here to view the SAPMA website.