DIY Succulent Frame

Succulent plants are so easy to maintain, they only require water every so often and they’re really self-sufficient.



  1. Spray paint
  2. String
  3. Mason jars
  4. 4 pallets of wood
  5. Wood glue
  6. Drill
  7. Succulent plants



  1. Drill 3 equally spaced holes into the envisioned top pallet of wood. Be careful not to damage the surface you are working on.
  2. Use wood glue to stick all 4 pieces of wood together.
  3. Pivot some nails through just to be sure the frame is secure.
  4. Spray paint the frame in your chosen colours. Sand down the paint if you’re looking for a rustic edge.
  5. Tie some rope around the mason jars with a double knot and measure how you would like them to hang.
  6. Plant your succulent plants into the mason jars.
  7. Thread the string through the drilled holes and tie a top knot to secure it.
  8. Cut off the excess string.
  9. VOILA!