How to remove paint and varnish with chemicals

Are you tired of that old paint and varnish but struggling to remove it? Use this chemical method for easily removing old paint and varnish.

What you will need:

  • Paint Remover
  • Paint Brush
  • Garden Hose
  • Sandpaper
  • Hand Cleaner
  • Plastic or Metal Pail
  • Chemical Resistant Gloves
  • Scouring Sponge
  • Scraper
  • Steel Wool
  • Power Sander
  • Brass Wire Brush
  • Narrow Brass Brush
  • Small Can with Plastic Lid


This is a good process for removing one or two layers of paint or for areas that are detailed, rough or on irregular surfaces.

  1. Put on your chemical resistant gloves.
  2. Set newspaper down around the surface you are removing paint from to avoid drips.
  3. Using the instructions of the paint remover or paint stripper you bought brush the liquid on the surface area you would like to remove the paint.
  4. Leave for a bit allowing the active ingredient to work.
  5. Scrape off the paint using a scraper. Always scrape away the paint before the paint stripper has dried.
  6. To speed up the process sandpaper can be used to remove some of the paint – but be careful not to damage the surface underneath.
  7. To assist with smaller spots try using steel wool, old rags or an abrasive scouring sponge.
  8. For stubborn spots repaint with paint strippers and repeat the process.
  9. Clean the surface with a damp rag or water (where you can). Allow to dry.
  10. Lightly sand the surface, if need be, to smooth it out.