Upscale an old table

Furniture, and more specifically, wooden tables, are bound to get damaged, especially in a homely home. Wet glasses leave behind rings on wooden furniture, objects scratch surfaces and little dents can appear. Today we teach you how to upscale an old wooden table with a few easy tweaks.

  • Clean the furniture
    Never start a wood refurbishing project without cleaning the wood first. Start by wiping the surfaces down with a damp cloth. Then sand the surface until smooth. Wipe the dust off the surface with a damp cloth to remove any excess residue. Your table should now be ready to refurbish. Follow the below steps for specific fixes for blemishes.
  • Cover scratches
    Scratches are the most common blemishes that occur on wooden tables. To fix them rub a coat of scratch cover furniture polish over the surface with a clean rag. The polish should fill the scratches; just ensure the polish blends in with the rest of the table. When dry, varnish the wood with a sealant of your choice.
  • Get rid of white rings
    Wet glasses and dinner parties often are a disastrous combination for wooden tables. While coasters would prevent rings forming, sometimes it can’t be helped. If the ring is still a fresh white ring, remove it by gently wiping it with a cloth dampened with denatured alcohol. Unfortunately black rings indicate that the wood has been permanently damaged and would require more sanding and primer to repair.
  • Re-stain Wood
    Wooden tables often take quite the beating – especially on the edges. This can lead to the stain chipping away in certain parts. Restore these areas using a stain or wood specific felt tip marker. Touch up chipped spots with the marker and allow to dry. Then coat the table or decolourised sections with your stain of choice. Allow to dry and finish with a varnish of your choice.
  • Fix dents
    Dents and gouges can make a table look old and lumpy. Fix this right up for a smooth, classy looking table! Start by sanding the table down and wipe the surface clean. Then fill the gouges or dents with the correct colour furniture wax and scrape off any excess wax so that it’s level to the table. Once the wax has set, use a finish or varnish to seal the table beautifully.